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What is so special about November's Integration Fair?

Every year, since 2003, Lunds Kommun has been giving out Lund Kommuns Integrationspris. The aim of the prize is to encourage efforts to develop integration. Lunds Kommun will announce this year's winner, which can be a company, administration office, or an organization, during Lund's Integration Fair at Eoshallen this Saturday, 25 November 2017. We are very much honored to host this important event this year. Find out which organization is the winner this Saturday!

Here is a link for more information about Integrationpris.

After the Integration Fair, we are all invited to EOS vs AIK in Basketligan Dam, Sweden’s highest division. A win in this game would mean that Eos claims the fourth spot which would be a big deal for Eos. Keep an extra eye out for Eos number 14 who has been one of the best players in

all of Sweden since joining Eos. Welcome to the games!

See you at Eoshallen!

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