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Lund Integration NGO's teaming up for Winter Party

As part of an increasing collaboration between the associations in Lund that are involved in integration efforts, will be held a joint Winter Party in Eoshallen on December 1st.

During the fall, a group of NGO's have been meeting regularly to discuss practical ways of collaborating and supporting each other, as well as overall challenges like for example expanding the involvement of the established community in Lund in integration activities. Several outputs of the discussions are being prepared, one of which is the invitation to a common Winter Party to bring the networks of each NGO together.

The idea of the Winter Party draws on the Summer Party that was organized in June by NGO's Kompis Sverige, Tamam, Tillsammans för Lund, Kvinnojouren Lund, Röda Korset International House and Eos Cares. On December 1st will be in the evening to allow for dinner and a ceremony where the municipality of Lund distributes the yearly Integration Award. Also the entire Eoshallen will be available for activities & games, and similarly to June, a large section will be set up as a playing area for kids with all the gymnastics equipment of the gym.

The festivities will take place between 17.00-21.00.

To sign up for the event, click here.

And here is the facebook event, feel free to share and invite your friends!

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