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"Eoshallen Friday Nights" draws media's attention!

By launching "Eoshallen Friday Nights", Eos Cares drew the local media's attention this summer, the event making Sydsvenskan Lund's edition front page twice!

First on June 27th, when the initiative's debut was announced in the paper ("Unga kan testa idrotter på fredagar"), accompanied by relevant quotes from Eos Cares' Project Leader, Axel Wallin.

Then, on July 26th, Maria Sehlin reported on "Eoshallen Friday Nights"' success ("Nattidrott för unga en succé"), interviewing people from Eos Cares and EFN's participants:

"Eoshallen Friday Nights" has reached the main goal of its initiators (Lunds Kommun & IK Eos), that is the gym to become a safe space for the region's youngsters between 13-10 years old to practice sports, enjoy a variety of activities offered by local associations and socialize. Together with the word-of-mouth spread from Lund's youth, media coverage gives the project a necessary boost towards its establishing a new status. Thus, after the last event this Friday (2/8), we will start recruiting sponsors to make EFN return.

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Eos Cares / IK Eos


Arkivgatan 32, 22359 Lund, Sweden

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